Our (Ghost) Story
For over 20 years, Key West Ghost and Mysteries Tour has been a favorite activity among Key West visitors. Read some of our reviews on Tripadvisor, or share your experience.
We participate in many local charity events and support the Old Island Restoration Foundation, Bahama Village Music Program, AIDS Help, Sister Season, The Key West Fire House Museum, Silverliners, Art and Historical Society, Boys and Girls Club, and many more.
Many of the experiences that we have documented have come directly from our guests on the Ghost Tour, so bring your camera and be prepared to experience a touch of the unknown. You will learn about:
- Haunted Victorian Mansions
- Key West’s Oldest Graveyard
- Enchanted Robert the Doll
- Haunted Pubs
- Count Von Cosel and Eleyna
- The Watcher
- And More…
Where Does The Tour Start?
Tours meet on the corner of Duval and Caroline Street, on the corner where the Porter Mansion (3 story green mansion) is located, 429 Caroline Street.
Questions? Call us at 305-292-2040.

Our (Ghost) Story
For over 20 years Key West Ghost and Mysteries Tour has been a favorite activity among Key West visitors. Read some of our reviews on Tripadvisor, or share your experience.
We participate in many local charity events and support the Old Island Restoration Foundation, Bahama Village Music Program, AIDS Help, Sister Season, The Key West Fire House Museum, Silverliners, Art and Historical Society, Boys and Girls Club, and many more.
Many of the experiences that we have documented have come directly from our guests on the Ghost Tour, so bring your camera and be prepared to experience a touch of the unknown. You will experience:
- Haunted Victorian Mansions
- Key West’s Oldest Graveyard
- Enchanted Robert the Doll
- Haunted Pubs
- Count Von Cosel and Eleyna
- The Watcher
- And More…
Where Does The Tour Start?
Tours meet in the courtyard of the haunted Porter Mansion, 429 Caroline St. Key West, FL. at the corner of Duval St. and Caroline St. Questions? Call us at 305-292-2040.